A personal workshop for you and your birth partner where I will teach you an effective massage routine to use during labour, and also some useful massage for the weeks leading up to labour. I will show you how acupressure and reflexology may help keep you calm, centred and assist naturally with pain relief.
Research has shown that Massage during childbirth may reduce pain, alleviate tension and anxiety which in turn stimulates contractions. Massage also improves the flexibility of muscles and facilitates blood flow, circulation and oedema. This will help to revitalize the mind and body, and offer a sense of emotional support. Touch in labour can be a very powerful tool and receiving a loving touch will help keep you feeling nurtured and cared for.
For your birth partner, learning the skills to help support you during labour will help them to feel empowered and give them the opportunity to communicate their support and love for you.
I will blend a bespoke massage oil for you, based on your physical and emotional requirements, using fragrant organic essential oils. Your totally unique oil will be a wonderful addition to your birthing plan. Our sense of smell is extremely powerful and using aromatherapy oils can be a safe and effective way to help you during childbirth. I will also thoughtfully select a beautiful crystal specifically for you to keep and use during labour.
Workshops last for around 90 mins and cost £95 , includes 100mls of bespoke organic massage oil for use before and during labour, a beautiful crystal and hand-outs for you to refer to.